Easy and affordable access to the internet and its derivative products allows clever and skillful workers with a toolkit for extra income. Especially in times of economic difficulties, where individualism is promoted, online marketing is a flexible and location independent way to earn extra income. Something that is welcomed by many in the current era.
This website provides free information to get beginners started, help exploring enthusiasts grow, and successful online entrepreneurs find new tips and tricks for success. The objective is to focus on stability and avoid that external influences bring down the profitability of truly professional online ventures.
A prolonged study of marketing in general and the online environment in particular lays the foundation of this website. It was branded a ‘university’, but obviously does not have any academic status. The idea behind the name is that we wish you to succeed in your online endeavor and to take your enterprise as serious as one would take on a university study.
Our efforts are funded by a combination of Google Ads on most pages of this website. Additionally, we selected several professionals who can help starting enthusiasts built, grow and maintain a stable online business. Recommendations are made for products and services that we trust. However, advertisements placed on this website are randomly generated by Google. Therefore, we cannot take any responsibility over the accuracy, legitimacy or trustworthiness of the advertiser. More about our policies can be found here.
Who we are…
This website is managed and operated by Dimples and Co. Ltd. Dimples is a virtual marketing agency working for several firms operating in various industries. Our focus is to offer brand recognition and eventually sales for our customers. Additionally, our focus is to ensure stable and permanent passive turnover for our clients. As such, many of our online platforms offer extensive information and possibly deliver one stop shopping channels. To read more about Dimples and Co, feel free to visit our website, or complete the contact form on the contact page on this website.
Contact us…
Dimples and Co. Ltd.
New Horizon Building
3,5 Miles Philip SW Goldson Highway
Belize City – Belize
[email protected]